Module: FI-AA (Financial Accounting - Asset Accounting)
Issue: Incorrect book value in Asset Explorer and Asset History Sheet
Asset explorer: shows incorrect Fiscal year-end value
Retirement transaction of 594173,13 is not included in change
In the asset history sheet as on 31-12-2008 transfer using Transaction Type 340 is not subtracted from the book value at FY start to calculate the current book value
In the asset history sheet as on 30-11-2008 value of retirement transfer using Transaction Type 340 is subtracted from FY start book value to arrive at the currency book value
Table ANEP(Asset Line items) shows the correct net book value
Table ANLC (Asset Value Fields) displays incorrect values
Solution : Execute t-Code AS02, Open the asset master data and click the menu option Edit > Recalculate Values.
After Recalculation
Asset Explorer (Aw01n) shows the correct year end and change values
Asset history sheet as on 31.12.2008 also stands corrected
Table ANLC is Updated
The problem can be recitfied completely by implementing SAP Note# 988238 and all the notes listed in this note.