What is BTL91 format ?
BTL91 is foreign bank transfer format used in Netherlands
BTL91 is available is SAP DME as tree BTL91 of type PAYM, for use with Payment Medium Workbench (PMW) and other transactions.
What is record type 31?
Each file generated for BTL91 format contains footer records starting with constant '31'.
The record consists of currency wise summary of the detailed transfer records.
for example:
If the file contains 3 transactions for currency USD, 2 transactions for currency GBP and 1 transaction for currency INR ( in a single batch)
The BTL91 file generated for this example should contain three records of type 31, one each for USD,GBP and INR with the total transaction amounts for each currency.
File generated from SAP program SAPFPAYM (T-code: FBPM) carries multiple record type 31 for same currency
For example: 2 records with USD, 2 records with GBP and 1 with INR for the example used above
The issue of multiple records type 31 is caused due to a program error while generating the DME/PMW file
It can be rectified by the applying SAP Note
1136370 - DMEE PAYM: REGUH-SRTF1 is wrongly filledEven after implementation of the above note, the problem may persist for the payment runs for which DME file has already been generated incorrectly. This is due to the fact that sort data for such payment runs is already stored in the system. To rectify such cases user may execute the program RFPAYM_RESET for these payment run to resent the payment medium information.